[afnog] Merge 2 WANs to one LAN

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Tue Feb 2 15:48:52 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 02 February 2010 11:32:42 pm Hylante Tabiou-
Malkaye wrote:

> i have a fiber link from IPS 1 that is not allowing me
>  access to a particular site mailchimp.com... we spoke to
>  them & apparently they need to pay some money before
>  getting access that particular IP.

This sounds strange - your primary ISP wants you to pay for 
access to 'mailchimp.com', but I thought that's why they are 
your ISP, i.e., you're already paying them to transport your 

Doesn't make much sense.

>  Now i have a backup
>  link from another ISP that allows me access to the
>  mailchimp site. unfortunately it's through VSAT, so the
>  latency becomes an issue. What i need to do is to merge
>  both links in such a way that any request to mailchimp
>  should be routed automatically to the VSAT link. Can
>  someone help please?

You could do this with PBR (Policy Based Routing) in Cisco 
or FBF (Filter Based Forwarding) in Juniper, or whatever 
feature the platform you have implements. Basically, you 
identify the destination and force it down a specific 

This would be interesting if your addresses come from your 
provider's own allocation, but if they are your own, there's 
less work to do.


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