[afnog] reverse dns implications

Phil Regnauld regnauld at x0.dk
Thu Apr 10 14:42:58 UTC 2008

Makan SIMAGA (msimaga) writes:
> If reverse mappings management is made compulsory by AFRINIC to ISP, it will
> be a very good thing and it resolve a lot of communication problems with
> ours mail servers by permitting use of enforced rules against spammers.

	It won't happen.  Reverse management is today pretty much
	broken in the rest of the world, so I don't see why it should be
	different here.  But good practices can only be encnouraged.

> Problems arrived when some servers begun to be less cooperative by
> considering asking to them to verify if sender mail exist, is a threat! And
> they blacklist me or simply refuse to answer to my email verification
> process.

	Yes, that is described as a risk in Postfix.  if A spoofs mails from
	B, your system will generate lots of RCPT TO attempts to B, and they
	will not like it.

> I thing with a little community accepted rules, we can greatly reduce spam
> and identify spammers all over the world.

	Spammers of the world are Windows XP machines in zombie networks, that
	their owners don't even suspect are sending spam/malware.

> I hope this day will came soon...

	Don't count on it...

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