[afnog] reverse dns implications

SM sm at resistor.net
Thu Apr 10 19:02:16 UTC 2008

At 05:48 10-04-2008, Makan SIMAGA wrote:
>A lot of customers who manage their own Internet domains and mail 
>server have this problems and their servers are often blacklisted.
>Personally, I had in a past, a lot of problems with mail senders 
>unresolved reverse resolution.

A lot of mail servers reject connections originating from hosts 
without reverse DNS.

>Finally I accept all mails even if reverse resolution fail, and I'm 
>spammed to death.
>If reverse mappings management is made compulsory by AFRINIC to ISP, 
>it will be a very good thing and it resolve a lot of communication 
>problems with ours mail servers by permitting use of enforced rules 
>against spammers.

It would be good to have a practice where mail servers have proper 
reverse DNS.  That's for Afnog to push forward.

AfriNIC already does reverse DNS delegation.  I don't see how they 
could force a policy of reverse DNS on downstream providers.

>Problems arrived when some servers begun to be less cooperative by 
>considering asking to them to verify if sender mail exist, is a 
>threat! And they blacklist me or simply refuse to answer to my email 
>verification process.

Sender address verification (SAV) will get you blocked.


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