[afnog] DNS not responding to outside queries

Mohamadi ZONGO mzongo at zcp.bf
Thu Oct 4 11:27:24 UTC 2007

2007/10/3, Noa of Ark <ncmaina2001 at yahoo.com>:
> view "external" {
>         match-clients { any; };
>         match-recursive-only no;
>         recursion no;
>       zone "." IN {
>            type hint;
>            file "db.cache";
>       };
>       zone "63.221.41.in-addr.arpa" IN {
>            type master;
>            file "wanwan.db";
>       };
>       zone "wantaznetwork.com" IN {
>            type master;
>            file "ex.wantaznetwork.com";
>            allow-transfer {; };
>       };
> };

Your config file  seem to be OK. Now, how do you conduct your zone test ?
with dig or what else?
you can also nmap -sU -sT -p53  to your DNS server from internet to be sure
port 53 (udp and tcp) is open.

We can conduct an external query to troubleshout your problem if you want
and give us your DNS public ip address (or give it to someone privately for
external test if  you dont want it to be public before you finish the

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