[afnog] DNS not responding to outside queries

Noa of Ark ncmaina2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 3 15:29:01 UTC 2007

Hello Mohamadi,

I tried dropping the iptalbes but still i did not get a positive result and my iptalbes are not the default firewall one, i set my own rules which of course permit udp port 53 for DNS queries.

Below is my named.conf file.


# cat /etc/named.conf
//Directory where the rest of the files reside.

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
        query-source address * port 53;

logging {
        channel bindlog {
                           file "/var/log/bind.log"  versions 5 size 1m;
                           print-time yes;
                           print-category yes;
                           print-severity yes;
        category xfer-out { bindlog; };
        category xfer-in  { bindlog; };
        category security { bindlog; };
        category lame-servers { null; };

acl "wantaz" {

controls {
        inet allow { localhost; };

view "internal" {
        match-clients { "wantaz"; };
        match-recursive-only yes;
        recursion yes;

      zone "." IN {
            type hint;
            file "db.cache";
      zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
            type master;
            file "wanlan.db";
      zone "wantaznetwork.com" IN {
            type master;
            allow-query { "wantaz"; };
            file "in.wantaznetwork.com";
            allow-transfer {; };

view "external" {
        match-clients { any; };
        match-recursive-only no;
        recursion no;

      zone "." IN {
           type hint;
           file "db.cache";
      zone "63.221.41.in-addr.arpa" IN {
           type master;
           file "wanwan.db";
      zone "wantaznetwork.com" IN {
           type master;
           file "ex.wantaznetwork.com";
           allow-transfer {; };

include "/etc/rndc.key";


Like you can see, i do have ACLs permiting only the networks i have specified in the acls.

So i am not certain if this is the reason.

I wouls like our domain to be pointed to this DNS server and unless the registrer reaches it , i will not be able to acheive that.

Please i appreciate your assistance.

Mohamadi ZONGO <mzongo at zcp.bf> wrote: 
2007/10/3, Noa of Ark <ncmaina2001 at yahoo.com>: 
My named.conf file is devided into VIEW's for the Internal network and external network. However when i get to the internet and try to access my DNS i dont get responce. My DNS servers don't respond to queries from the Internet. I cant even reach them thru ssh. 
Have you  match-clients { any; };   in the view for internet.
Do you use other ACLs  on top of your config ?

 I am not certain whether it is the iptables but yeah, that is my situation.
The best way is to drop all your iptabbles rules and try again  !  If not fixed, you can post your config to the list.


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