[afnog] Logrotate Problem

tawanda kavayi kavayit at africaonline.co.zw
Thu Oct 4 09:46:26 UTC 2007

Hi, hope you are all well.

I'm running a postfix mail server on OpenSuSe 10.2. The postfix is
running under the Sophos Puremessage for Unix package. My problem is
that all my mail log files in /var/log are not being rotated. These are
mail, mail-info and mail-warn. However, all other log files like
messages, etc, are being rotated.

I have attached my config files as follows:

logrotate (/etc/cron.daily/logrotate)
logrotate.conf (/etc/logrotate.conf)
syslog ( /etc/logrotate.d/syslog)


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