[afnog] Mac OS problems (Antonio Godinho)

Gideon Enoch Abbeyquaye gabbeyquaye at ucc.edu.gh
Tue May 29 15:07:54 UTC 2007

Hi GA,

To the solve the problem the problem you are talking about, you need to have the root account enabled. On the Mac OS, the root account is disabled by default. To enable it, you need to launch NetInfo Manager. (Applications --> Utilities --> Netinfo Manager).

1. From the menu, choose security and select enable root user.

2. You should be prompted for a password.

3. Quit Netinfo Manager.

4. Lauch your Terminal

5. type su -

6. You should be prompted for the password. (The password you provided for the root user)

7. After this, you should be able to change the permissions on the folder in question.

 All the best

The Igwe of E0

Gideon Enoch AbbeyquayeData Processing UnitUniveristy of Cape CoastCape CoastGhana

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