Mac OS problems

Phil Regnauld regnauld at
Thu May 24 14:01:50 UTC 2007

On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 03:27:12PM +0200, Antonio Godinho wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have this problem with a Mac OS X:
> One of the users can not access anything on his desktop, I had a look at the 
> permissions while booted into single user mode and I got the following
> Drwxrwxrwx for the Desktop folder for that user (so under /Users/username)
> I see from the other users that it should be Drwxr-xr-x but when I try to 
> change the rights it says operation not permitted although i am root and I 
> have mounted the partition as read write.
> What else can I try? I can not even change the name of the folder Desktop.

	Sounds weird -- try running Disk Utility and ask it to fix permissions.

	Also, can you show the output of:

	- mount
	- df
	- ls -ld /Users
	- ls -ld /Users/username
	- ls -ld /Users/username/Desktop

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