[afnog] Bind9 Output

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Fri Jul 28 16:00:37 EAT 2006

On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:36:28PM +0200, Wonder Chikohomero wrote:
>    dig -x a.b.c.d
> 604800 IN   PTR     server3.ucmpemba.moz.

That's correct

>    did server3.ucmpemba.moz
>    ;server3.ucmpemba.moz.          IN      A
>    no answer section

Presumably that's "dig" not "did"?

Show the full "dig" output. In particular, the flags section will show
NXDOMAIN (the server says the domain definitely does not exist), or SERVFAIL
(couldn't contact the server which has this answer).

Also: unless you are just testing a cache, you should use "dig +norec". This
says to the server: "Don't recurse". In other words: "just tell me what you
have. Don't go and ask any other servers for this information"

>    . at one time i could [1]http://server3.ucmpemba.moz with out any
>    problem. and even ping server3.ucmpemba.moz or ping [2]
>    with replies.
>    I have googled, used materials from ws.afnog but I am totally not sure
>    now what is going on.

Well, this ".moz" is a fake top-level domain. So if your server has to
recurse (ask other servers on the Internet), it is bound to fail. So it will
only work if your local server itself is authoritative for ".moz"

Here, it seems that it's not - this probably means that you didn't set up
ucmpemba.moz properly in named.conf, or the zone file has a syntax error.

If there are errors then these will be logged in your syslog. Or you can
type (I think)

    named-checkzone ucmpemba.moz /path/to/ucmpemba.moz.zone

which should check the zone file and help you determine where the error is.



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