[afnog] Bind9 Output

Wonder Chikohomero wonder.chikohomero at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 15:36:28 EAT 2006

Hi All

With the help from you guys, I did manage a little bit. Can you look again
if this would assit you help me identify were I have gone wrong again. This
server I want to provide name resolution for my internal network, with two
intranet web servers.

dig -x a.b.c.d

;; ANSWER SECTION: 604800 IN   PTR     server3.ucmpemba.moz.

did server3.ucmpemba.moz

;server3.ucmpemba.moz.          IN      A

no answer section

. at one time i could http://server3.ucmpemba.moz with out any problem. and
even ping server3.ucmpemba.moz or ping with replies.

I have googled, used materials from ws.afnog but I am totally not sure now
what is going on. I missed the Afnog 2006 were I was meant to join the E2.
That would have helped me a lot, nevertheless I will stick to the community


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