[afnog] Can't using Mac OS 10

Alan Levin alan at futureperfect.co.za
Mon Feb 27 14:15:29 EAT 2006

Hi Rita,

On 25 Feb 2006, at 1:46 AM, Steven G. Huter wrote:
>> We have some dial-up clients who uses macintosh OS 10. They get  
>> the following error messages when dialling;
>> -authentication failed, and
>> -the modem has unexpectedly hanged up verify your settings and try  
>> again.

I've found that with OS X one often has to select the option "Connect  
using a Terminal Window", you find this under the network settings >>  
internal modem >> PPP >> PPP Options >>  select checkbox..."Connect  
using a Terminal Window"
When the terminal window opens upon connect the user must just press  
the button "Continue"

I'm not sure why this is needed, but then once I found out, it just  
worked so I didn't dig any deeper.



Alan Levin
Tel: +27 21 409-7997

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