[afnog] Can't using Mac OS 10

Hervey Allen hervey at nsrc.org
Mon Feb 27 15:46:11 EAT 2006

Alan Levin wrote:

> I've found that with OS X one often has to select the option "Connect  
> using a Terminal Window", you find this under the network settings >>  
> internal modem >> PPP >> PPP Options >>  select checkbox..."Connect  
> using a Terminal Window"
> When the terminal window opens upon connect the user must just press  
> the button "Continue"
> I'm not sure why this is needed, but then once I found out, it just  
> worked so I didn't dig any deeper.

Back in pre-OS X days we used to have to edit some of the 
Mac modem scripts to include a <CR> (carriage return) after 
the initial PPP prompt as the scripts were simply entering 
in username/pw and leaving this step out.

Sounds suspiciously similar.

	- Hervey Allen

Hervey Allen      Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org GPG Key Fingerprint:
AC08 31CB E453 6C65 2AB3 4EDB CEEB 5A74 C6E5 624F

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