[afnog] Re:Problem with mail server "Exim Configuration"

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Wed May 18 11:23:54 EAT 2005

On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 12:37:44AM -0700, anyuru francis wrote:
> And when I type exim -bt user at domain-name I get
> Undeliverable and Unroutable address any help to this
> matter will highly be appreciated.

As root:

# exim -d -bt user at domain-name

will give you a very detailled report of the routing decision making
process. You can then go through your exim configuration and work out which
router isn't working the way you think it should. You should be able to see
if exim is able to communicate successfully with the mysql daemon, for
example, and what query it sends.

It generates quite a lot of output so you probably want to capture it to a

# exim -d -bt user at domain-name 2>debug.out         # sh or bash
# exim -d -bt user at domain-name >&debug.out         # csh



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