[afnog] help with ACID installation

Noah Sematimba sematin at mtn.co.ug
Wed May 11 16:05:57 EAT 2005

> "Error (p)connecting to DB : snort at localhost
> Check the DB connection variables in acid_conf.php
>                = $alert_dbname   : MySQL database name where the
> alerts are stored
>                = $alert_host     : host where the database is stored
>                = $alert_port     : port where the database is stored
>                = $alert_user     : username into the database
>                = $alert_password : password for the username
> Database ERROR:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) "

So have you created the required mysql database? if so you need to put the 
name of the database host which is probably localhsot in your case, the mysql 
database port which is usually 3306, a mysql user that has priviledges on the 
database and a password for that user.

If this was all done, then you need to check that mysql is running on your 
server. The error message is quite clear imho.

"coffee does not make you nervous.  your own inadequacies do that.  
coffee merely increases your perception of your own inadequacies."
--Rob Austein 

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