[afnog] Mail and Radius authentication problem.

Mark Tinka mtinka at africaonline.co.sz
Wed Apr 13 22:45:55 EAT 2005

On Wednesday 13 April 2005 19:54, Wycliff Ochieng wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have just configured a new box (redhat 9.0) to offer dialup services.
> The box runs Sendmai+ClamV+Spamassassin
> Mails are coming ok.
> Problems:
> When I try to collect mails from a windows box using eudora, i get the
> message 'Could not connect to "my domain" Cause: connection refused
> (10061)

What happens when you 'telnet ip.of.pop3.server 110' from the same Windows 
box? Do you get a welcome message from your POP3 server? If so, can you 

user someusers
pass somepassword

> I am also using Radius to authenticate. shared key is the same as in the 
> portmaster(which works fine with other servers). When I dial in, nothing
> happens and the /var/log/radiuslog shows the following:
> error:MASTER: accounting process died -exit

What RADIUS server are you running? Can you dump a config file by any chance, 
and hopefully some debug output, level 4 if applicable, perhaps?


> any pointers please.
> cliff
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