[afnog] Mail and Radius authentication problem.

Wycliff Ochieng cliff at arcc.or.ke
Wed Apr 13 20:54:19 EAT 2005

Dear all,
I have just configured a new box (redhat 9.0) to offer dialup services.
The box runs Sendmai+ClamV+Spamassassin
Mails are coming ok.

When I try to collect mails from a windows box using eudora, i get the 
message 'Could not connect to "my domain" Cause: connection refused 

I am also using Radius to authenticate. shared key is the same as in the 
portmaster(which works fine with other servers). When I dial in, nothing 
happens and the /var/log/radiuslog shows the following:
error:MASTER: accounting process died -exit

any pointers please.

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