FW: [afnog] Re: Request for input: The WorkingGrouponInternetGovernance

americo at imit.kth.se americo at imit.kth.se
Thu Nov 18 22:21:35 EAT 2004

FYI when it comes to MZ Internet is not considered to be telecommunication
service, for instance you require a license to be a telecom operator and
need only to be registered to operate as an ISP. Therefore ISP services
are regulated by different laws than telco services.

> ;-) ah, false assumption... o.k. make that INCM instead of PTS

Taking the Swedish example, many ISPs in Sweden that I know very well do
not share the view that ITU is better to lead Internet. Please give us one
reason/proof that Internet would be better off in the hands of ITU / or
telco's  than it is in the current hands.

> and all the more reason to do capacity building with regional
> regulator groups to get the policies right to encourage rapid
> deployment of ICTs...

In that capacity building, you should know that it includes telling the
telco to lower the prices of telephone calls so that people can afford to
use Internet. Fortunately nothing suggesting that Telco's are the right
one to oversee the development of ICTs use.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: afnog-bounces at afnog.org
>> [mailto:afnog-bounces at afnog.org]On Behalf
>> Of Bill Woodcock
>> Sent: 18 November 2004 21:49
>> To: Shaw, Robert
>> Cc: afnog at afnog.org; americo at imit.kth.se
>> Subject: RE: FW: [afnog] Re: Request for input: The
>> WorkingGrouponInternetGovernance
>>       On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 Robert.Shaw at itu.int wrote:
>>     > huh? who said that? why do you think we have independent
>>     > regulators (like PTS in Sweden) - they're the ones who need
>>     > to look after/manage competition in the market. ISPs
>> are not a cottage
>>     > industry anymore (Bredbandsbolaget entering
>> TeliaSonera's fixed line
>>     > market in your home country being one fine example).
>> Actually, Americo's home country would be Mozambique.
>>                                 -Bill
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