[afnog] FreeBsd5.2 + Squid + Wccp-v2

Volven_res volven_res at cats-net.com
Thu Jun 17 18:04:13 EAT 2004

Sorry Mark,

I am actually using Squid-2.5.Stable5, it was mistake in my earlier post. I actually started the way you have put it. 

If i run the squid as a transparent proxy without the Wccp it works fine. The reason i wanted to use wccp is that my traffic is not halted if my Cache is down !

Maybe i shall look at Linux..



-----Original message-----
From: Mark Tinka mtinka at africaonline.co.sz
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 16:39:23 +0300
To: afnog at afnog.org
Subject: Re: [afnog] FreeBsd5.2 + Squid + Wccp-v2

>  On Thursday 17 June 2004 15:22, Volven_res wrote:
>  >
>  > I am using FreeBsd Ver 5.2, Squid-2.2.STABLE5...
>  From what I know, Cisco's WCCP v1 is supported from Squid-2.3 upward.
>  > with the patch for wccp-v2
>  Haven't tried to patch WCCP into Squid before, but just to ask, any particu>  lar 
>  reason you want to run Squid-2.2 still? I know it's been tested to be quite>   
>  the fastest Squid (contentious), but a lot of bugs have been fixed and new>   
>  features added since then.
>  >
>  > ANy directions, would be welcome..
>  At the time, Squid didn't support WCCP v2, but since this version is now 
>  open-standards, perhaps it does, haven't really followed that much. You mig>  ht 
>  want to confirm your patch supports WCCP v2 with Cisco.
>  Just a tip, setting up a transparent caching Squid (for the first time) can>   be 
>  daunting. I like to set it up/test it step-by-step:
>   o First test Squid as a direct proxy as configured in the browser.
>   o If that works, then test Squid transparently through the server, by caus>  ing 
>     the server to act like it's a firewall gateway between 2 LAN's (IPfw).
>   o If that works, put Squid on your production network, and use a route-map>   on
>     your router to make sure all HTTP traffic is intercepted and routed back>   to
>     the Squid cache server.
>   o If that works, start playing with WCCP.
>  Mark.
>  >
>  > Regards
>  >
>  > Volven
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