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Re: Scalable - E1/T1 RAS Units


taking a risk is the answer, i had done once with Shiva Remote Access and
paid dearly, for not working... not E1 connectivity to PSTN switch, rather
was erratic responses to calls made to it.


> Brian,
> > The RASes on www.patton.com look like Patton's own brand. I've never heard
> > of them, and I would steer clear.
> I guess the RASes on www.cisco.com are Cisco's. I am about to buy quite a
> number of patton's RASes.
> Is there any other reason apart from the fact that you do not know the
> RASes? From their catalog, they seem to have a soution for any known
> connectivity problem.
> When I went Linux way back in 1995, many people would not dare touch it.
> Today, the story is different.
> Am I missing something? or am I just taking a stupid risk??
> Sunday.
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