[afnog] IPv6 for Managers Workshop at AfriNIC 15!

Babusha Radhakissoon babusha at afrinic.net
Tue Oct 11 08:14:41 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

AfriNIC has the pleasure to inform you that a new*IPv6 for Managers
*Workshop will be held during its forthcoming Public Policy Meeting,
AfriNIC 15, to be held at the Hilton Hotel in Yaounde Cameroon, from the
19th to 25th November 2011.

The workshop will be held on the 21st of November. The aim of this
workshop is to:

1.Understand the implications of running out of available IPv4 address space
2. Understand the differences and similarities between IPv4 and IPv6
3. Understand the process of IPv6 deployment on a large scale
4. Understand best practices and discuss experiences and case studies

Target Audience:
- Regulators and Government Officials
- Non - technical Managers

Workshop Outline:

1. The Registry System
2. What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6
3. IPv6 Address Basics
4. Strategic opportunities of IPv6
5. The road to IPv6 : Driving IPv6 adoption
    - At national/country level
    - At an enterprise level
    - At a small to medium company level
6.      Managing the costs of IPv6 adoption
7.      IPv6 planning priorities and dependencies
8.      Aligning IPv6 with key initiatives, processes and projects
9.      Case studies: Real Life IPv6 Deployment
10.    Way forward

Register for the workshop here:


The AfriNIC Meeting Team

AfriNIC | 11th Floor ABC | Raffles Tower | Cybercity | Mauritius
Tel: +230 403 5100 |Fax: +230 466 6758 
Join us at AfriNIC-15 Cameroon, 19-25 November 2011


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