[afnog] Root Zone DNSSEC KSK Ceremony 5

Joe Abley joe.abley at icann.org
Mon May 16 11:35:58 UTC 2011


The fifth KSK ceremony for the root zone took place in Culpeper,
VA, USA on Wednesday 2011-05-11. The Ceremony Administrator was
Mehmet Akcin.  The ceremony was completed successfully.

Video from Ceremony 5 was recorded for audit purposes.  Video and
associated audit materials will be published in 1 to 2 weeks, and
will be available as usual by following the "KSK Ceremony Materials"
link at <https://www.iana.org/dnssec/>.

Ceremony 5 included processing of a Key Signing Request (KSR)
generated by VeriSign, and the resulting Signed Key Response (SKR)
contains signatures for Q3 2011.

We'd like to hear from you. If you have feedback for us, please
send it to rootsign at icann.org.

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