[afnog] packet loss

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Wed Jul 20 08:46:46 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 03:13:24 PM teklay gebremichael 

> I have a Cisco PIX 515e firewall where it is connected to
> the campus Core switch(Cisco 6500 switch) through Cisco
> 3524 switch. Being from my pc, i initiated a continuous
> ping to the inside interface of the PIX, but there were
> many packets being lost while the response time is less
> than a msec. Then i tried to ping to the switch i am
> connected to and even to the core switch, but i don't
> see any packet loss. Then i repeated this with the ip
> address of a vlan that the inside interface of the PIX
> is assigned to (the vlan is in the core switch) and
> there is no any packet loss. I tried to investigate the
> interfaces between the PIX and Core switch but i didn't
> see any errors. But the connection to the Internet is
> intermittent and becoming very slow. May be the firewall
> could be compromised. Even i tried to replace the PIX
> with old ASA 5505, but the problem is there. So, are
> there any ways to solve this problem?

Can you draw a simple topology so we have a clearer view of 
how your devices interconnect, and indicate where the packet 
loss is?


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