[afnog] help on pxe boot

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Thu Sep 30 19:30:38 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 01:49:51AM -0700, teklay gebremichael wrote:
>     since we are planning to have computer lab with old pcs that will boot
>     from the server, this problem is very critical. is there some thing
>     enabled by default on the switch that prevents booting from the
>     network?

It's likely that the PC is enabling the NIC and then sending out boot
packets while the switch port is still blocking (non-forwarding).

Try setting "spanning-tree portfast" on all the PC-facing ports, or (more
risky) if this switch only has one uplink into the rest of your
infrastructure you could turn off spanning tree altogether.

There's quite a good description of the issue here, together with hints on
both CatOS and IOS configs:



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