[afnog] Internet in Liberia

dayton at brooklyn.cuny.edu dayton at brooklyn.cuny.edu
Wed Oct 20 16:29:42 UTC 2010

Dear AFNOG folks,

I am a Professor of Computer Science at Brooklyn College which is part of the City University of
New York.  

I am in communication with the University of Liberia about helping them set up a program in
Computer Technology.  I plan to visit the University this coming January.

I recently discovered AFNOG and wonder if any of the list members know of the state of the
internet (and computing in general) in Liberia?  Are there list members in Liberia?

Any information of pointers you can provide would be helpful.

Thanks you,

Dayton Clark

 Dayton Clark
 CIS Department                 dayton at brooklyn.cuny.edu
 Brooklyn College/CUNY          718.951.5000 x2045
 Brooklyn, New York  11210      718.951.4842 (fax)

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