[afnog] Re : Re : (no subject)

Noah Sematimba ksemat at psg.com
Wed Mar 10 12:08:30 UTC 2010

On Mar 10, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Makan SIMAGA wrote:

> Hi Joe
> Maarch is a web based application written in PHP5.
> It can be implemented with Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL or MySQL  
> databases, but I have a MySQL based implementation and it work  
> perfectly.
> By default, users are registered in a MySQL table and authentication  
> process is based on this table.
> It is also possible to use LDAP authentication and in my case, I  
> would like to use MS Active directory but there is no documentation  
> about LDAP authentication in Maarch official Website  
> (www.maarch.org) nor in their forum (http://forum.maarch.org/).
> When you google your error message (_NO_LOGIN_OR_PSW_BY_LDAP), you  
> obtain nothing.
> After two weeks of research I decided to ask for help in AFNOG  
> forum, a forum known to use a lot of open source solutions.
> Really I expect to find someone who has already use Maarch with  
> LDAP, but I certainly ask badly my question and I'm sorry.
> AFNOG forum help me greatly when I had problems with Unix/linux,  
> BIND, Postfix implementations. But I recognize that in this case,  
> it's an unusual application and it would be very difficult to help  
> someone if you have never implement it.
> The only solution I have now is to read the source code to try to  
> understand the process or to write my own LDAP authentication  
> process which is more easy but sometimes not recommended.

Well rather than read source code, you can instead engineer a  
workaround to this. There are many implementations of authentication  
to AD written for various other things like RADIUS, pam, etc. You can  
simply write a script to pull your user and password information from  
AD, put it into your MYsql table and use it, or if Maarch can do it,  
you configure it to authenticate via RADIUS or pam and then configure  
those to authenticate against your MS AD.

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