[afnog] Campus Network Redesign

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Tue Feb 9 16:49:16 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 09 February 2010 08:06:05 pm Benjamin Cobblah 

> I'm redesigning my campus network to accommodate  2000
>  students, 200 faculty and staff to be very efficient and
>  security wise stable. I have about 14MB of Internet
>  bandwidth to share to my clients both wired (copper
>  100/1000) and wireless. We have a main site and a remote
>  site 1km away
> I would be grateful if anybody who has been in similar
>  situation could share best practice and experience with
>  me.

There are several aspects to consider re: BCP's for a 
network of this scale. Is it possible you could be more 
specific as to what about your design you're looking to firm 
up, e.g., security, configuration optimization, bandwidth, 
bandwidth management, high availability, modularity and 
future scalability, e.t.c.

The whole of it is possible too, but could be a tall order 
for this list :-).


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