[afnog] Testing-NAT64-And-DNS64

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Mon Aug 2 18:43:01 UTC 2010

On Tuesday, August 03, 2010 02:22:58 am Graham Beneke wrote:

> Our core is native IPv6. ;-)

Good for you.

> I was wondering what is considered 'not-native'?

6-in-4, 6PE, e.t.c.

> I have been avoiding 6in4 and transition tunnelling
> protocols where possible. We are however using layer-2
> tunnels in various places. These IPv4 and IPv6 packets
> arrive 'natively' at the end user with a 1500 MTU
> available. Doesn't seem to cause any harm ;-)

They will work, but if your upstream's core isn't native, 
multiple hops could easily be squeezed into one, from a 
customer's point of view, and trying to explain why latency 
jumped 3-fold in one hop could be interesting. It's the 
tunnel conundrum.

With a 100% native core, each v6 hop is represented during 
troubleshooting. Tunnels hide the true nature of the 
topology, and this could be problematic in operation.


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