[afnog] Cannot connect to remote pop3 server

Ronald Nsubuga nsubugr at itxpertz.net
Wed Feb 18 16:14:50 UTC 2009

Yello Shepherd,

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Mark Tinka <mtinka at globaltransit.net> wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 February 2009 10:36:29 pm Shepherd Magumo
> wrote:
>> ISP1 just told me that it is a global problem...
> Still not sure what you mean by "global problem". Are they
> trying to make the problem go away by throwing fancy words
> at it :-)?

That might be true. :-) not sure if both your ISP's use the same
upstream provider who is experiencing problems if not filtering it.

> Seriously, though, I'm able to access port 110 from my end,
> so perhaps the problem isn't so global (just successfully
> tested from another server in the U.S. as well).

I can get to port 110 from UG as well with out any issues.

> The problem most likely lies with your ISP, and/or their
> upstream(s).

very close.


Ronald Nsubuga,
skype: nsptash

"I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble"

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