[afnog] Support Please - MCA-T Domain

SM sm at resistor.net
Tue Feb 10 19:19:18 UTC 2009

Hi Frank,
At 09:49 10-02-2009, Frank Habicht wrote:
>"may be" is not very clear. other MX give 5xx errormessages like 
>http://...spamcop....?ip=... or a spamassassin score. this one says "may be".

Other mail servers let third-parties decide whether the message 
should be accepted or not.    Hotmail does not have to provide 
information about the reputation of the sending host as it's an 
internal matter to it.

>I'm the ISP and the client runs their own MS exchange (installed 
>recently by others). Jacob the network admin of client had contacted me...
>Their IP clears on spamcop and spamhaus. The free site for checking 
>one IP at many RBLs

The IP address might not have a negative reputation but that doesn't 
mean that the client has not been associated with spam.  The reject 
message says IP/domain reputation.  What if they have been sending 
spam to Hotmail or Hotmail users classify their messages as 
spam?  That can affect the client's reputation.

>is no longer (free). any alternatives?


>wouldn't it be easier to just stop sending emails to them? They 
>don't make much effort to receive all legit email. Can I be 
>confident they'd accept an email from me?

Yes, that's easier but it doesn't solve the problem if the client 
needs to send emails to Hotmail users.  Running a service like 
Hotmail requires a lot of effort as it has to deal with more abuse 
than most networks.  If you are an ISP, they will accept email from 
you to discuss about mail delivery issues.


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