[afnog] DNS problem

Peter Nyamukusa peter.nyamukusa at africaonline.co.tz
Sat Oct 11 17:04:34 UTC 2008

Hi Dany,

The relay denied message should be coming from your DNS server mail.laregiedimpression.com 
I would suggest that you relay all mail from that server to primary MX mail.blanca.ma, ie set up mail.laregiedimpression.com as a mail gateway only 


From: afnog-bounces at afnog.org [mailto:afnog-bounces at afnog.org] On Behalf Of Dany Mustapha
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 6:31 PM
To: SM
Cc: afnog at afnog.org
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: [afnog] DNS problem

i can explain  what i want say by this ligne:

- mail.laregiedimpression.com it is DNS derver  and the second mail server for domain blanca.ma.In this server i have in the file main.cf of postfix "mydestinatin=blanca.ma", so it can also receive mail from my domain.

-  mail.blanca.ma is only the primary MTA of blanca.ma

--- En date de : Sam 11.10.08, SM <sm at resistor.net> a écrit :
De: SM <sm at resistor.net>
Objet: Re: [afnog] DNS problem
À: cristophe06 at yahoo.fr
Cc: afnog at afnog.org
Date: Samedi 11 Octobre 2008, 15h32
At 04:22 11-10-2008, Dany Mustapha wrote:
>i want setup mail server, but i have a problem with spread dns, 
>there is some server dns that give me a corect ip address for my 
>server mail, but the other not, its give me the address of my domain name

Mail for blanca.ma is handled by mail.blanca.ma and 
mail.laregiedimpression.com.  mail.blanca.ma accepts mail for 
test at blanca.ma whereas mail.laregiedimpression.com rejects mail for 
that domain.  If mail.laregiedimpression.com is not configured to 
handle mail for that domain:

>this my dns config
>zone "blanca.ma" {
>type master;
>file "/etc/bind/db.blanca.ma";
>allow-transfer {;;;;};
>$TTL 3h
>@       IN      SOA    
 ns.blanca.ma. test.blanca.ma. (
>                                 2005090201
>                                 8H
>                                 2H
>                                 1W
>                                 1D )
>@       IN      NS               ns.blanca.ma.
>@       IN      MX      10      mail.blanca.ma.
>@       IN      MX      20      mail.laregiedimpression.com.

Remove the above line.

>ns              IN      A
>mail            IN      A
>mail.laregiedimpression.com     IN      A

The above line is incorrect and should be removed.


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