[afnog] [glen.kent at gmail.com: Operators Penalized? (was Re: Kenyan Route Hijack)]

SM sm at resistor.net
Tue Mar 18 20:57:40 UTC 2008

At 06:59 18-03-2008, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>It is strange that it is discussed on Nanog and not Afnog so I forward
>it here.

This was initially diagnosed as a routing loop at above.net instead 
of route hijack.

>It is indeed disturbing that everyone now knows Pakistan Telecom as
>the evil guys who hijacked YouTube, and very little similar contempt
>has been directed to Abovenet :-(

What is disturbing is that it wasn't even posted to Afnog until 
today.  It might help other network operators understand what 
happened and how the problem was resolved.


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