[afnog] [glen.kent at gmail.com: Operators Penalized? (was Re: Kenyan Route Hijack)]

Michuki Mwangi michuki at swiftkenya.com
Tue Mar 18 18:55:22 UTC 2008


The poster from African Online aka AFOL posted the initial emails to 
Cisco-NSP and Nanog - and the thread found traction on the Nanog list 
probably as a result of the recent YouTube & PTT issue.

Am not sure of what response this would have generated if the affected 
party was Youtube (again) ;)


Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> It is strange that it is discussed on Nanog and not Afnog so I forward
> it here.
> It is indeed disturbing that everyone now knows Pakistan Telecom as
> the evil guys who hijacked YouTube, and very little similar contempt
> has been directed to Abovenet :-(
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Operators Penalized? (was Re: Kenyan Route Hijack)
> From:
> "Glen Kent" <glen.kent at gmail.com>
> Date:
> Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:48:07 +0530
> To:
> nanog at merit.edu
> To:
> nanog at merit.edu
>>   >
>>   > Usually unintentional. See Pakistan Telecom for recent example.
>>  Pakistan's blackhole was semi-unintentional, kind of like you tried to
>>  shoot your spouse but the bullet went through the wall and
>>  "unintentionally" hit a neighbor.
> Do ISPs (PTA, AboveNet, etc) that "unintentionally" hijack someone
> else IP address space, ever get penalized in *any* form? Depending
> upon whom and what they hijack, and who all get affected, it sure can
> get them lot of (undesired) publicity - news, articles, nanog
> discussions/presentations, ietf discussions, blogs - but, it doesnt
> really hurt them much, does it? AboveNet, unlike PTA, got a lot less
> publicity for their achievement, primarily because they didnt put
> millions off, from watching imbecilic videos of cats jumping the cars,
> and people slipping in snow - a simple google test corroborates this.
> While you get pages and pages of sites that talk about "PTA Youtube",
> you only get a handful when you do "Abovenet Africa Online".
> So, is there anything that can be done to discourage such mishaps?
> What do we do if an ISP, again accidentally, hijacks another address
> block or blackholes them?
> Would it pain them if their announcements were suppressed, or
> reachability (more specifically origination information) is damped for
> some time? I understand, this is opening up a pandora's box, because
> this ISP could be providing transit services to other ISPs, and this
> might inadvertently affect them. So, i am not suggesting a solution -
> i am seeking suggestions on what can be done about this? And before
> this, if there is anything that we as a community want to do about
> this?
> Affably,
> Glen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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