[afnog] reverse dns implications

Maina M Noah ncmaina2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 12:27:38 UTC 2008


Why don't you just request your ISP to reverse delegate the single public IP address
they allocated you rather than you doing it from your side.I am pretty sure they can do that
since they are in control of the /24 block you are talking about and if i am not mistaken,that whole
block is already reverse delegated on their DNS servers.
ISP's are there to help clients minimize resources. Just talk to them.


From: Phil Regnauld <reHOW TO: Setup RoundCube Webmail on Your Server - PaulStamatiou.comgnauld at x0.dk>

To: Makan SIMAGA <msimaga at bvg-mali.org>
Cc: afnog at afnog.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:03:20 PM
Subject: Re: [afnog] reverse dns implications

Makan SIMAGA (msimaga) writes:
> If you just have one public IP address from your ISP, and make DNS Server
> this mean that the /24 bloc which include this public address will be
> reversely resolved by your reverse DNS zone file.
> The IP addresses from that  /24 bloc could be assigned to another customer
> by your ISP. If this customer make his DNS server with reverse zone, there
> will certainly have a problem with your DNS reverse resolution !
> How can we do to avoid this problem?

    Looks like you want RFC2317...


    For good measure, I suggest reading this as well:



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