[afnog] RE : Re: Search for understanding

tracy musaza cocko_mirindi at yahoo.fr
Fri Apr 4 15:14:26 UTC 2008

Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> a écrit :

the reason i am this pedantic is that, from a user point of view,probably skype, google talk, ... are more readily visible than what we operators may think of as voip (asterisk, sip phones, ...).  we need to make the net work for all of these, and for the ones that have yet to be invented.


|         probably  for the ones that was yet invented, some thing can Be done in workshop like the success of VoIP tutorial in Maputo ( AFNO2005).
If something like that will Be will be done in Rabat I guess a new vision and a new concept of telephony will be born in Africa.

Best Regards!


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