[afnog] afnog.org TXT record

Phil Regnauld regnauld at x0.dk
Tue Sep 25 08:20:37 UTC 2007

Geert Jan de Groot (GeertJan.deGroot) writes:
> While I agree it's definitely not part of "be conservative of what you send",
> it makes a strong case for "be liberal in what you accept": TXT records
> aren't exclusively for SPF use.

	SPF's format of the SPF record is horrendous.  For example,
	starting the record def. with "v=spf1" without thinking that maybe
	it might have been smarter to generalise on a format to _use_ TXT to
	store things like SPF (i.e., say have "SPF: v=1" or something like that).

> Assuming it doesn't completely kill the SPF code, can you please forward
> the case to the SPF software developers?

	I don't think it will bother them at all.
	<politically incorrect>and if it does, too bloody bad for them</>

	Seriously, I use TXT records to include information about what
	this zone is used for.

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