[afnog] Resolve non-FQDN with Bind

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Fri Oct 19 14:49:25 UTC 2007

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, tawanda kavayi wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm trying to configure Bind in such a way that a query for non-FQDN
> >> will resolve to a particular FQDN. For example, a dig for host should be
> >> translated to the FQDN host.domain.com and the IP for host.domain.com
> >> should then be returned as the answer to the query.
> For a specific reason, this needs to be done at the server level. The
> client in this case is actually a device, not a workstation, that is
> configured to use the hostname portion only.

Assuming that the vendor manages to sell this device and get it working
elsewhere, and assuming that most of the vendor's customers will not
have the skill to configure bind in unusual ways, I would deduce that
there is probably a way to configure the device to do something slightly
less insane than making DNS queries for one-word host names without any
domain suffix.

Failing that, if you have a list of the one-word names that the device
needs to look up, you could add a fake top level domain for each one.
Please use bind's "view" facility to ensure that the fake names are not
visible to the whole world.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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