[afnog] wireless Network

GODONOU-DOSSOU Maxime-ULryc mgodonou at benintelecoms.bj
Thu Oct 18 12:08:56 UTC 2007

I thinks all person for there anser,
i'll call Carl aniams , and then we will build this network.
i start to read all links you have send to me.

Carl aniams <aniamss at gmail.com> a écrit :

> hi
> I'm in your country and I'm working on the same project i have already
> done it in a micro format in  my house vicinity.
> i'll like to seize the oportunity to say thanks to steve for the items
> sent(wdnw forum) .i'm on the building of the antenna's to radiate on long
> distance using cantenna for the same project.I  already have the billing
> (thanks to Liran Tal:freeradius forum), and the authentication server up
> with a uam access built from scratch server.
> all is already functional.
> i think we can congugate ideas to mount it up
> 2007/10/17, GODONOU-DOSSOU Maxime-ULryc <mgodonou at benintelecoms.bj>:
>> Good Morning ,
>> I?m working at Benin Telecoms office like network & system
>> administrator, then en want to
>> build City wireless Network (BENIN in west africa).
>> I search, the best chnology  who can help me to do what I want.
>> Then I want build this network:
>>         AP (Access Points)
>>         Antenna ant there area
>>         Which wifi card can use all my client
>>         Which soft I can use to do the management of my bandwidth an
>> my billing
>>         Technical Training
>>         You can complete with another thing who  can be use in this
>> network
>> Best regard.
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