[afnog] Mac OS problems (Antonio Godinho)

Phil Regnauld regnauld at x0.dk
Tue May 29 15:42:43 UTC 2007

Antonio Godinho (antonio) writes:
> Hi,
> I did login with single user option and still could not change the permissions on the Mac but I have since discovered that there are flags set for folders. I have used the chflags to change the flags from uchg by running the command chflags -R nouchg on the Desktop folder, this has solved the problem, I had never heard of that command and just came across it by chance while looking through the man pages.
> Just being root was not good enough as long as the folder was set with that flag.

	Right -- that's why I suggested you try ls -o in an earlier mail, to
	see the flags :)

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