[afnog] UCEPROTECT-Network Level 3, who takes the blame?

John Walubengo jwalu at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 24 15:26:47 UTC 2007


am not a provider. just manage a mid-sized college
network(400Pcs, Campuswide LAN and WAN systems) . 

i never used your ticketing system since I just emailed the
info or support group for your ISP and got into email
conversation with somebody at the other end. 

I think I was doing targeted blocking rather than a whole
range. cant remember the specific IPs but they were about 3
IP that may have included your main resource servers (mail,
dns, web, whatever they may have been, the spamming did

and yes, we can review this offline if you wish.

--- "S. Oduor" <soduor at accesskenya.com> wrote:

> > Even after hardening our mailserver, the MailScanner
> kept
> > showing huge amounts of spam from the AccessKenya
> network.
> > I emailed the then admin to sort it out and (s)he
> promised
> > to look into it but after a week of no change I
> technically
> > dropped communication
> By you emailing the admin directly might not have been
> very wise even if
> you knew him on personal basis, Most admins normally
> receive so much mails
> & they filter them based on from addresses to manage
> system
> alerts/notifications & a few emails from known
> individuals so definatly
> some mails go unread by the admin especially those not
> logged on their
> selected folders. most abuse calls are normmally logged
> to abuse at foo.bar,
> postmaster at foo.bar or support at foo.bar did you do this ?
> Did you get a
> ticket number on the same ? What range did you block and
> what is the
> current status on your server ? I have forwarded this
> complaint to the
> right party if you have the ticket that was assigned pls
> forward it
> off-list & would also like to know the range that was
> blacklisted on your
> server ? are you a provider of some sort & how many
> domains do you host if
> so.
> > Which now begs the question who should take the
> > responsibility of cleaning up downstream hosts coming
> into
> > your network?
> The responsibility starts with the downstream host admin
> & also service
> provider. On service provider level you may need to work
> on things to
> regulate connectivity to your hosts like blocking port 25
> to mitigate
> exploits and probably forcing them to use your outbound
> mail server that
> does scanning of emails but this really has to rely on
> your internal
> policy or you might end up becoming a regulator than a
> provider, in some
> 1st world you can be sued for this so policy will be very
> important. For
> errant cases of a spamming host due to malware or open
> relay the Service
> provider normally blocks off outbound communication until
> this is
> re-addressed its better than having an Rbl block your
> downstream host that
> ends up spoiling your reputation.
> >it looks like UCEPROTECT opted to do exactly what i did
> - it may not be
> right, but it does provide a quick relief of sorts, with
> casualties ofcourse.
> I disagree , so did you block all the IP's that start
> with ,
> what criteria did you deploy and what loss has you
> company or firm gotten
> from your act ? You have just blocked probably more than
> 5 Providers
> because you cant single out a subnet thats errant pls
> re-visit the
> solutions to your problems its even causing more problems
> to you and your
> customers.
> Off topic KCCT.AC.KE seems to be owned by the Govt & I
> know a percentage
> of the money I work for goes to support it in form of
> Tax, if you are sure
> you've applied policies similar to UCEPROTECT thats
> criminal pls sort it
> out , I want value for my money.
> Rgds
> Oduor Sam.
> -----------------------------------------
> This email was sent using Communicatons Solutions LTD
> WebMail.
>    " "
> http://www.accesskenya.com/

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