[afnog] ethernet module for 2621

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Tue Jul 24 12:58:26 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 24 July 2007 20:05, Geert Jan de Groot wrote:

> Check if you have a 2621 or 2621XM.
> If it's the former, then I believe you're SOL for fast
> ethernet; if it's the latter, then FE interfaces may be
> supported...

Too much conflicting information from Cisco; this documents 
now seems to suggest the NM-2FE2W network module is, in fact, 
supported on the 2600 and 2600XM platforms, after all:


Your best bet is to "borrow" one (if you can) and test it for 
sure before you move to purchase - you don't want your 
employer breathing down your neck for a wrong purchase :-).

Suffice it to say, the Software Advisor on CCO is 
contradictory; it says the NM-2FE2W is unsupported on this 

You're better off testing than relying on the documentation, 
at this point :-).

> and you can also play games with 802.1Q VLANs if 
> your router is connected to a switch, and save the need to
> buy additional interfaces as ling as there's no bandwith
> issues.

802.1Q is currently supported on the 2621 (assuming the right 
IOS is involved).


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