[afnog] Postfix problem

Phil Regnauld regnauld at x0.dk
Tue Jul 17 13:55:14 UTC 2007

Ahmed Isah (aichafe) writes:
> Hi all,
>   We have a problem with our email server. We are running Postfix version 2.3.3 as our MTA With Squirrelmail (MUA) and Dovecot IMAP> The service was running fine, until 2 days ago when mails sent refused to go and could not receive any. When ever we send mails it gives the error "Connection refused server replied: 111 Can't open SMTP stream"
> We thought the required port (25) was blocked, but it was not.  Whenever we start the service using /etc/init.d/postfix start, it does not report any error. However, when we issue the relod command, we get the following:  "Postfix/postfix-scripts:  fatal: the postfix mail system is not running".

> Jul 17 13:33:42 mail postfix/master[32766]: fatal: /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 21: bad transport type: content_filter=

	Your problem is right there...

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