[afnog] Restarting server

AKiwumulo at oxfam.org.uk AKiwumulo at oxfam.org.uk
Tue Oct 3 12:58:09 UTC 2006

Thanks Antonio, i actually installed drivers for a tape drive, thats when
the problem started, i have tried re-installing but am still having the
same issues.will try to check for errors on physical disk and RAM.

                      "Antonio Godinho"                                                                                                
                      <antonio at uem.mz>         To:       Phil Regnauld <regnauld at x0.dk>, AKiwumulo at oxfam.org.uk                        
                                               cc:       "J. James" <jejenext at gmail.com>, pmuwanga at chevron.com, Nicholas Nuwamanya     
                      10/03/2006 04:10          <NNuwamanya at mantracuganda.com>, afnog at afnog.org                                        
                      PM                       Subject:  Re: [afnog] Restarting server                                                 
                       :3 Kb                                                                                                           

If not hardware related then it could be some software that is causing some

incompatibility (probably some software which was recently installed). I
have found that it is mostly related to software from HP for printer
However, try different physical ram first and check for errors on the
physical disk.



On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 11:57:49 +0200, Phil Regnauld wrote
> On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 12:45:33PM +0300, AKiwumulo at oxfam.org.uk wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > My Windows 2000  server is  rebooting and i see the error message below
> > when i go to system in  event viewer.Does any one have ideas of what
> > be causing this?
>            Could be many reasons: Windows, bad RAM, memory leak.
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Antonio Godinho

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