[afnog] Frame Relay Over E1

Mark Tinka mtinka at africaonline.co.zw
Thu Jun 8 15:45:45 EAT 2006

On Thursday 08 June 2006 10:55, Brian Candler wrote:

> The service they provide at layer 1 is channelised E1 - just a
> stream of bits.
> Whether you decide to encapsulate your data in Cisco HDLC,
> PPP, Frame Relay, X25 or MPLS on top of that shouldn't make
> any difference to the telco.
> Indeed, you might not be sending framed data at all - you
> could send an uLaw/aLaw voice channel over each of the
> timeslots (which is the normal way of using an E1, if you are
> a PABX)

Just as I imagined - only that I've only theorized about it 
working this way, and have only deployed WAN frame relay 
solutions within frame relay network clouds owned by the telco.


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