[afnog] Frame Relay Over E1

byaruhj@mtn.co.ug byaruhj at mtn.co.ug
Wed Jun 7 18:22:15 EAT 2006


Thanks for that and its working:)



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Woodcock [mailto:woody at pch.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 6:19 PM
To: James Byaruhanga
Cc: afnog at afnog.org
Subject: Re: [afnog] Frame Relay Over E1

    > Thanks Bill, Mark and Mwangi. It was the frame-relay switching on the
    > router.

No problem...  Most ISPs who use frame relay heavily would do that 
externally to the router, just as most ISPs who use Ethernet heavily do 
their Ethernet switching in separate switches outside the router...  What 
you've got is kind of like the equivalent an Ethernet cross-over cable 
directly between two routers.  And in frame relay, that takes the one 
extra line of config.

Frame is exactly the right protocol for what you want to do.  I really 
like frame relay, for getting efficient use out of serial connections.


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