[afnog] Frame Relay Over E1

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Wed Jun 7 18:13:26 EAT 2006

    > I want to have multiple point to point links inside this one channel

Yes, they're differentiated by the DLCI.  Which was "17" in the example I 
gave.  Here's another logical subinterface on that same physical circuit:

interface Serial5/0.25 multipoint
 description The San Francisco Symphony
 ip address
 ip access-group 106 out
 no arp frame-relay
 bandwidth 1536
 appletalk cable-range 21800-21800 21800.1
 appletalk zone ZOC-FR001-WAN_Frame_Cloud
 no cdp enable
 no frame-relay inverse-arp
 frame-relay map ip 25 broadcast
 frame-relay map appletalk 21800.50 25 broadcast

This one was DLCI 25.


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