[afnog] connection to www.cnn.com

Mark Tinka mtinka at africaonline.co.zw
Mon Jun 5 17:46:54 EAT 2006

On Monday 05 June 2006 16:14, Mikisa Richard wrote:

> Yes

What about if you try a different IP address from a different 
pool in your own block?

> waiting for www.cnn.com

If you're getting this, at least we know cnn.com is replying to 
you - this means they can reach you.

Why it would take so long (congestion and bandwith management 
issues aside) is interesting. 

I'm leaning toward GJ's PMTU issue. Perhaps disable any ICMP 
filtering and try again (although I'm assuming when you use 
Telia IP addresses, you're routing them through the very same 
routers, non?)

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