[afnog] afnog@afnog.org mailing list upcoming server change

Hervey Allen hervey at nsrc.org
Mon Jul 31 01:43:29 EAT 2006

This coming Wednesday at 1pm GMT the MX record for afnog.org 
will be swung to point to the new afnog.org server. The web 
site has been running on this box for the past few months.

All mailing lists using the afnog.org domain will be 
migrated, including this one. You should not see any major 

I'll send out a reminder announcement just before we make 
the switch. There are quite a few people helping to make 
this happen and I'll publicly thank everyone once things 
look good :-)

	- Hervey

Hervey Allen      Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org GPG Key Fingerprint:
AC08 31CB E453 6C65 2AB3 4EDB CEEB 5A74 C6E5 624F

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