[afnog] Router 1600 Password Recovery Results

Mikisa Richard rmikisa at bushnet.net
Wed Jul 19 11:57:29 EAT 2006

Hosea Phiri wrote:

> I have problem after recovering my password for cisco 1600 router. 
> Each time I power cycle the router I enter into initial configuration 
> with usual prompt:
> *Router>*
> Here is how I recovered my password:
> 1. Powercycle the router
> 2. Put the router into ROMMON  with Break signal
> Then proceed as follows:
> rommon>*confreg 0x2142*
> ** 
> rommon 2 > *reset
> *
> *. . . *
> *. . .*
> *. . .*
> * *
> Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: *n
> *Press RETURN to get started!
> . . .
> . . .
> Router>
> Router>*enable
> *Router#*copy start run
> *My-HostName#*configure terminal
> *Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
> My-HostName(config)#*enable secret <MY SECRET>
> *Router(config)#*write*
> ** 
> ** 
> I similary changed telnet password.
> ** 
> Is there anywhere where I messed it up? Once again the problem is that 
> each time I reboot the router I get into the initial setup dialog:
> Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: *n
>  and with prompt*
> ** 
> *Router>*
> ** 
> ** 
> ** 
> Hosea
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I would think you are doing a recovery because you don't have the 'old' 
password. You have not told us whether your new password works after the 
reboot. The "Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? 
[yes/no]: *n" *means that you have not configured the router yet. I 
don't think that is a problem however as it won't re-appear once you 
configure the router.


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