[afnog] fetchmail-Exim

Ezra Banoba elisha.winters at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 12:28:56 EAT 2006

On 2/24/06, Mike Barnard <mike.barnardq at gmail.com> wrote:

>        fetchmail: 6.2.5 querying (protocol POP3) at Fri Feb 24
> 21:51:20 2006: poll started
>        fetchmail: 6.2.5 querying (protocol POP3) at Fri Feb 24
> 21:51:20 2006: poll completed
>        fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)

Check your mail logs and check if fetchmail is handing any mail to exim.

>  3. My courier-imap is droping connections. i have looked and looked at my
> authmysqlrc file over and over again and i think its OK. this is the out put
> i get for all attempted logins
>        Feb 24 21:25:40 kulika imapd: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: No such
> file or directory

I think your courier-imap is looking in a different directory from
where exim is actually delivering the mail.

You need to make sure that your exim and courier-imap are reading the
same value for "Maildir" from your mysql database.


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