[afnog] Installing Courier-authlib

Julius Kidubuka juki at one2net.co.ug
Mon May 16 15:14:58 EAT 2005

> Hello All ,
>     I am new to freeBSD  . I am installing a new E-mail server using
> Courier, Exim , Mysql and Sqwebmail . Any time I  try to install
> Courier-authlib using the command
>  pkg_add -r courier-authlib
> i get the error
> pkg_add: unable to fetch
> 'ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5.3-release/Latest/courier-authlib.tbz'
> by URL -
> I also tried using the port option with the command
> cd /usr/ports/mail/courier-authlib

>From my little experience, I usually do it by:

 $cd /usr/ports/mail/courier-imap
 $make all install clean

And by the end of it all, I have my authlib directory set to:

 $cd /usr/local/etc/authlib

Hope this helps,


"Get rich or die trying!"

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